Customer Experience

Understanding the leaky sales funnel

Your Leaking Customers. How to Fix It

Is your sales funnel leaking potential customers? It’s not just about numbers—it’s about the entire process. Imagine a funnel with a tiny hole at the bottom; no matter how much you pour in, the output is limited. Fixing issues at the top won’t solve systemic problems. Instead, address bottlenecks throughout to ensure smooth operations and […]

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Search Engines don’t have credit cards

Search Engines Don’t Pay You, Only Customers Do.

Check out Bryan’s latest article on the Wizard of Ads blog: “Search Engines Don’t Pay You, Only Customers Do: Layers of SEO.” This piece is a must-read for anyone looking to understand why focusing on real customer engagement beats merely playing the SEO game. Bryan dives into practical strategies for engaging with your customers directly,

Search Engines Don’t Pay You, Only Customers Do. Read More »

No Such Thing As Neutral: How Every Employee Shapes Your Business Legacy

In “No Such Thing As Neutral: How Every Employee Shapes Your Business Legacy,” the article underscores the pivotal role every team member plays in shaping a company’s reputation and customer loyalty. Highlighting a real-world scenario, it explores how a single employee’s integrity saved a customer significant expense, thereby earning trust and fostering long-term loyalty. This

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Avoid This Mistake To Convert Deal Hunters into Loyal Customers

In “Avoid This Mistake To Convert Deal Hunters into Loyal Customers,” Bryan Eisenberg shares essential insights on building lasting customer relationships, especially in challenging economic times. The article emphasizes the critical role of word-of-mouth referrals and repeat customers in driving business growth. It delves into the common pitfall of undervaluing initial customer interactions and provides

Avoid This Mistake To Convert Deal Hunters into Loyal Customers Read More »